Wednesday, July 1

i'm back, sort of.

Been gone forever seems like. I'm rarely here for updates anymore. Twitter has pretty much abducted me ( So I guess you could keep in touch with me there. Idk not much has been going on with me though. Working for the most part, same shit basically. Roxy's getting big as all hell. She's like 4lbs now. Heh. I made a few videos of her - actually a lot of videos. Don't feel like posting or uploading them. Unless someone asks, whatever. That's um. . . about it lol. Bye?

Random pic to leave you with.


achoiceofweapons said...

The hair looks good! Hi Roxie!
God Bless!

Fianah McMillan said...

Agyness Deyn.
my white girl lover.

Btw, you are so fuckin cute,
in a evil emo sort of way.